WT President Wendler writes 5th in series on regional universities

Fifth in a series on strengths in regional universities.

While it is impossible to catalog all of the expectations that any university has for applicants, there are some general considerations that all students should consider if college is in their future. Institutions vary widely, and knowing the type of institution a student considers is important. According to National Association for College Admission Counseling, academic achievement measured in grade point average (GPA) may top the list but don't stop there. Specific courses and performance in those courses, especially in core academic pursuits, are important. Four years of English, three to four years of math and science, three to four years in social studies and two to three years in a foreign language and the arts are all positive accomplishments admissions officers consider. These same criteria are also important for scholarships and financial aid.

In addition, extracurricular activities are also sought after in admissions expectations, according to Harvard College. Leadership roles in any setting, such as sports, campus clubs and student council, are valuable experiences. Likewise, volunteer work, internships and job experience are positive engagements that may help any holistic consideration of the student's fitness for study. At WT, entrepreneurship is also important. A high school student who takes the initiative to begin a business or creative enterprise may make a strong impression on university admissions officers. Research or other creative projects in any field demonstrate intellectual curiosity, dedication and, most notably, the ability to think critically. Activities of high interest to the student, rather than checkboxes for a university application process, have the most value.

Dr. Walter Wendler, President of West Texas A&M University
Dr. Walter Wendler, President of West Texas A&M University

Some institutions use the concept of "demonstrated interest," according to Inside Higher Ed. Whether or not a student has visited campus, attended recruiting events or shown special attention toward the institution is positive evidence. Of course, it is common sense that a student interested in a particular university will likely be more confidently received if they have studied the institution and understand its culture, location and characteristics.

WT's admissions website has abundant information regarding applications. True to the Panhandle spirit, it highlights those aspects of our university that are particularly important to and reflective of our region. We encourage students to compare head-tohead costs, allowing us to meet or beat other university offers. Understanding the culture of West Texas can be especially important to students from our region and those from different places around our state, nation and world.

Many factors can impact a university's worldview. WT expects its students to come to the campus with a strong sense of self, purpose, mission and passion, admittedly hard to measure but critically important nonetheless. Understanding the fit between a person's mission and institutional mission is the genesis of college success. It does not require a student to adopt an institutional perspective mindlessly. Rather, understanding personal perspective in relation to what has taken the university, such as the case of WT's history, which took a century to develop, leads to informed decision-making. For example, WT started as a Normal School preparing teachers for this region. To this day, nearly 75% of the teachers and administrators of the top 26 counties of Texas have at least one degree or certification from WT. Institutional distinctiveness grows from commitment over the "long haul." That distinctiveness may be more or less appealing to students with different life experiences, which provides choice in public universities. In Texas, there are 38 public universities. If any two are alike, there is redundancy in the system. Each should be different. WT is proudly different.

Forces at work mark quality and progress in a way that creates an environment where one-size-fits-all. A noble, albeit misplaced, effort to create fairness. We expect students to come to WT with ideas, concepts, values and points of view they cherish and are important. In addition, the leadership, faculty, other students, alumni, donors, cultural and social norms and the community all impact institutional self-concept. A student with a strong sense of self attending a university with a strong sense of self is a powerful combination. Lastly, a university with strength in social sciences, fine arts, business, human health, agriculture, engineering and the myriad of disciplines in various measures will impact the institutional sense of self. I expect that students who attend WT have a job to do. That job entails, in part, affecting the future of the University by bringing their values, perceptions and attitudes to the University to help shape its trajectory into the future. This requires maturity in student interest and self-confidence, which is a burden and a responsivity. Education is a two-way street.

In numerous ways, our students will contribute to WT's future growth and development in much the same way that faculty and staff do. It marks the student's job as pivotal and contributes to institutional strength.

Walter V. Wendler is President of West Texas A&M University. His weekly columns, with hyperlinks, are available at https://walterwendler.com/.

This article originally appeared on Amarillo Globe-News: Wendler commentary: Expectations as students apply for university