Wyoming Valley West School Board OKs $2.46 million HVAC work

Sep. 15—KINGSTON — At Monday's monthly meeting the Wyoming Valley West School Board awarded contracts for extensive Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) work at the high school totalling $2.46 million, with multiple alternates that could increase the price if selected.

The cost will be covered with federal COVID-19 relief grant money.

The board gave the HVAC construction contract to Scranton Electric Heating and Cooling Services, Inc., in the amount of $1.78 million, the general construction contract to Panzitta Enterprises, Inc., in the amount of $493,000, and the electrical construction contract to Brennan Electric, Inc., at $191,131.

The board plans to use grant money to improve door security. It approved a plan to use School Mental Health & Safety and Security grant money to install more electronic entry point doors in all buildings. The move will give first responders quick access to various entry points in each building, rather than requiring them to come in through the main entrance.

The change will also allow the district to set internal notifications when a door is propped open. During the work, doors that cannot be barred from the outside will be installed. And cameras will be added to all entrances of the elementary buildings and outside the Middle School.

In what has become a recurring item on the agenda for several months, the board again addressed the replacement of high school boiler tubing, rescinding the previously approved proposal from United Heating and Air Conditioning, and awarding the work to 3B Services, Inc. Buildings and Grounds Director Frank Grevera said the first bidder had problems getting sufficient staff for the job.

At a meeting last month, the board awarded the contract to United at a cost of $23,626 to replace 147 tubes. That vote came after the board delayed a decision on the contract at the July meeting, seeking more information. The total cost proposed by 3B is $44,473.

And the board changed the length of an agreement to have Larksville Borough provide a School Resource officer at State Street Elementary. First the board rescinded an approved agreement with Larksville that ran from Aug. 1 this year through June of 2026, then the board approved an agreement running from Aug. 1 through June 2024.

The new agreement is automatically renewed for another year if neither party provides written notice otherwise within 30 calendar days from the end of the two-year deal. Total cost to the district is $70,946 for the first year and $74,635 for the second. That's the same as the cost for the first two years in the rescinded four-year contract.

The board also:

—Accepted a quote from Valley Pest Control for termite treatment at State Street Elementary. Cost to treat the known infected area is $3,420, while treating the entire building would be $10,625. Board President Richard Kamus said a decision on doing the entire building will be made after initial work in the infected area is done.

—Increased assistant principal salaries. Those currently making less than $70,000 will be bumped up to that amount. Those making $70,000 or more will receive a $2,500 increase. And principals will receive an increase of $1,500.

—Approved an agreement with the Luzerne Intermediate Unit for a mental health specialist for this school year, funded through federal COVID-19 grant money. Cost for the year will be $81,802.

—Approved an agreement to have Northwest Area School District admit WVW students that do not reside in Northwest's boundaries to Northwest's Emotional Support Program for this school year, and for any Extended School year program. Per student cost for the Emotional Support Program will be $22,500 per year or $125 per day, with additional services if needed costing $65 per hour.

—Approved the addition of Ashley Filipe and Lovey Woronowicz to the substitute list.

—Accepted the resignations of personal care aide Alyssia Bevan, computer aide Susan Duda, and autistic support aide Tonya Carey.

—Accepted the retirement of cleaner Joseph Bolin and nurse assistants Nancy Kaminski and Judy Day.

—Appointed, at $12 per hour each, Karen Adamski and Jamila Farris as personal care aides, Michelle Hannadel and Sierra Karsko as autistic support aides, and Rose Mary Hrycyk as life skills support aide.

—Appointed Kimberly Longfoot as learning support aide at Dana Elementary in the mornings at $10.50 per hour, and as personal care aide at West Side Career and Technical Center in the afternoon at $12 per hour.

—Appointed Aliyah Becker as computer aide at $10.50 per hour.

Reach Mark Guydish at 570-991-6112 or on Twitter @TLMarkGuydish
