Yeatman Tabbed To Lead Gibbs Cancer Center

Credit: Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Fincher Photography Dr. Timothy Yeatman SPARTANBURG, SC -- Spartanburg Regional Healthcare Center announced the hiring of a new director of the Gibbs Cancer Center at a banquet held Monday night. Dr. Timothy Yeatman was introduced to the crowd as the President of the Gibbs Research Institute and Gibbs Cancer Center after a stint at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. During Yeatman's time at the center he was widely regarded as one of the nation's foremost pioneers in cancer research and treatment, a role that Spartanburg Regional Healthcare officials feel he will fit in perfectly. “Developing a model for cancer research in Spartanburg will bring the best care to our doorstep,” said Bruce Holstein, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System President and Chief Executive Officer. “Dr. Yeatman will help us build and refine that model well into the future. Taking these steps now will develop prevention and treatment for us, our children and our grandchildren.” At Moffitt Cancer Center, Yeatman served as the Executive Vice President for Translational Research, Professor of Surgery and Oncologic Sciences, and Section Head of Hepatobiliary Surgery, among many other prestigious positions. Most recently, he was named Chief Scientific Officer for the Center for Advancement of Science In Space, a non-profit organization appointed by Congress and funded by NASA to oversee all scientific use of the International Space Station. “Dr. Yeatman is a pioneer in personalized medicine, having established the world’s largest human tumor bio-repository and database,” said James Bearden, M.D., Managing Physician of Gibbs Cancer Center and Vice President of Research at Spartanburg Regional. “Projects like that help us deliver cancer care by matching patients with treatments through genetic analysis of cancers.” “Personalized medicine is the future of cancer care,” said Yeatman. “Cancer is not just one disease, and personalized medicine involves targeted eradication of cancer cells with tailored treatments." Yeatman graduated from Duke University and received his medical degree from Emory University. He completed his surgical internship and residency at the University of Florida, followed by a surgical oncology fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He has received numerous awards and honors for his work in cancer research. “Dr. Yeatman’s experience will translate into more research and better treatments for cancer patients in the Upstate,” said Julian Josey, M.D., Medical Director of Radiation Oncology at Gibbs Cancer Center. The Gibbs Cancer Center is widely regarded as among the nation's foremost cancer treatment and research facilities. It has several facilities in the upstate and numerous partnerships to help expand oncology services and clinical research for the treatment of cancer.