‘Yellowstone’ is full of sex, drugs, violence — but one naughty word crossed the line?

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Just ‘Yellowstone’ F-words?

A letter to the editor last Sunday decrying the use of the F-word in the series “Yellowstone” gave me a chuckle. (4C) This excellent show is filled with sex, violence, corruption, drug and alcohol abuse, toxic masculinity and overall bad behavior from just about every character. Yet it was the F-word that was too much for this viewer.

Frankly, with everything going on in that show, the language didn’t even catch my attention.

- Thomas L. Shields, Fort Worth

There’s no such thing as ‘free’

I’m becoming increasingly frustrated with government and media pronouncements about “free” things, such as COVID-19 tests. The U.S. government cannot provide anything for free. It has no income other than what’s collected via taxation. There are no free tests, free vaccines or free college educations. Every “free” thing distributed by our government came from us, the taxpayers. Please report more accurately that these benefits are “taxpayer-funded.”

- Drex Rutledge, Denton

The futility of the United Nations

The United Nations’ mission statement includes the maintenance of international peace and security.

Why would such an organization allow one country to invade another sovereign country? The U.N. Security Council voted to require that Russia cease its use of force against Ukraine and immediately withdraw its military. But Russia vetoed the resolution. This is proof that the United Nations has no real power over its members.

If the U.N. cannot protect the borders of its member nations, then the United States should pull out and take our money with us. We should tell it to find another home for its headquarters.

Countries of the world are individually showing their resolve against Russia. Why can’t the United Nations do the same?

- Harry Thompson, Bedford

This is personal, not political

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is using taxpayer dollars to campaign for attorney general by targeting transgender youths and their families. As a retired high school teacher, I understand that many kids who experience gender dysphoria are simply struggling to figure out who they are, as young people have done for centuries. It is wrong to use these hurting, searching families to get reelected.

This is a new low for Paxton. Gov. Greg Abbott should have no part of it, either. If there are abuses, address them quietly, not in headlines to pander to the far right.

- Cheryl Patterson, Granbury

Ukraine is not like Vietnam

I am a Vietnam veteran and was given a lot of commendations for my service. As we left Vietnam, we asked: Did we accomplish anything? Most said no.

One of our comrades, however, stood up and said, “You know, we may have accomplished something: Maybe our leaders will not let this happen again.” That sounded good for a short time, until Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now we have Ukraine, whose pro-democracy people like America, and we don’t send troops. They are dying for the country they love. Not helping them is an unfortunate black mark on our country that we should correct.

Send in troops, or this kind of thing will happen repeatedly.

- Don Payne, Fort Worth

A draft would keep us ready

Ukrainians are fighting and dying for the right to govern themselves. The least we can do is pay higher prices for oil and gas.

We should prepare for any coming crisis, not wait for it to happen. Bring back a real draft with a real lottery. Require national service, with military and civilian options, for everyone 18 to 35.

The military option would allow no deferments except for essential workers (such as police and other first responders) or those deemed mentally or physically unfit for service. No deferments for college or for the wealthy or for children of government officials.

The civilian option would be for conscientious objectors, the differently-abled who cannot do military service and hardship cases.

- Paul R. Schattman, Arlington

Put US support into action

I implore President Joe Biden to assist the people of Ukraine, first by cutting off all imports of Russian oil and goods. Stand up and let the American people know that we are with Ukraine, not just with words but with action, even if it means higher gas prices.

Second, reverse the changes you made on domestic fossil fuel policy when you took office. Your perceived strength, whether real or not, moves the economy. Let’s rally Americans to take immediate action for Ukraine.

- Donald Warner, Arlington