Yeti hilarity ensues in adorable Abominable trailer

There’s a yeti on the loose in the new trailer for Abominable, but don’t worry: Contrary to the legend surrounding the mythical creatures, he’s the cuddly, harmless kind (who also likes to belch and roll around like a giant snowball).

The first sneak peek at DreamWorks’ latest animated adventure (above) previews the monster’s journey from Shanghai to the Himalayas after a young girl, Yi (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Chloe Bennet), finds the wayward yeti on the roof of her apartment building. Yi’s grief over a family death inspires her to lead her new friend — whom she nicknames Everest, like the iconic mountain — back to the snow-capped peaks of Nepal.

Pixar veteran and Open Season director Jill Culton wrote the screenplay for and directed Abonimable, which she says packs an emotional punch that makes the film a bit more complex than standard family-animation fare.

“From a female filmmaker standpoint, I think it’s always difficult when you pitch an emotional movie,” Culton previously told EW of the film. “Like, I always had to take away the word ‘magic’ because if a woman pitches a magical yeti story with a girl who plays the violin, it instantly seemingly skews young. But this movie, I had to keep pitching the vision. I mean, it gets big at the end of this movie. It gets dangerous, it gets scary, the visuals are over the top. It is not an easy movie, and it deals with hard subject matters as well. I don’t want these movies to just be sheer entertainment, where people leave the theater and they forget about it. I work so many years on these movies that they have to mean something.”

Abominable premieres Sept. 27 in theaters. Watch the film’s first trailer above, and check out EW’s exclusive first-look preview here.

DreamWorks Animation
DreamWorks Animation

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