YMCA youth circus performs this weekend

A pair of performers show their skills on an aerial ring.
A pair of performers show their skills on an aerial ring.

MACOMB — This weekend is your chance to “run away with the circus.”

The YMCA youth circus, under the direction of Amy Fansler Milas, is convening under the “big top” at the YMCA gymnasium this Saturday and Sunday.

In their 11th year, the circus group at the YMCA is holding their annual big spring show with a Disney theme this year.

Group shot of the YMCA youth circus performers.
Group shot of the YMCA youth circus performers.

“Each act is a different song from Disney, mostly sing-a-longs that are popular songs everyone knows. It should be a lot of fun.” Milas said.

She is thrilled that this year they'll be back full fledged after pandemic issues.

“We'll be selling refreshments this year, including popcorn and candy,” she said. “We'll even be selling Mickey Mouse ears and other paraphernalia to make it more festive.”

Children ages 6-18 will be performing. There will be multiple costume changes that will make the event more complex than those in the past.

A performer on a trapeze.
A performer on a trapeze.

“The opener is from Aladdin's 'Never Had a Friend Like me,' she said. “It reminds me of a 'The Greatest Showman' scene. It will be very colorful, our best opening yet.”

Milas also said there will be an active transformation of Cinderella from a maid to her ball gown right after intermission. Backdrops and spotlights will be provided by Western Illinois University.

A trio show their skills on the aerial silks.
A trio show their skills on the aerial silks.

Performances are this Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. As always, the event is free and open to the public.

This article originally appeared on The McDonough County Voice: Youth circus YMCA performance