What is Yom HaShoah and how do Jews honor those lost in history's single largest genocide?

Sundown Wednesday, April 27 marks the start of a solemn day for the Jewish community.

Every year, they remember and reflect on one of the greatest tragedies to befall their people: the Holocaust. For Jews, this day is called Yom HaShoah.

If you weren't aware of the holiday, you aren't alone. International Holocaust Remembrance Day this year was on Jan. 27, whereas Yom HaShoah falls a few months later.

Why does the Jewish community remember the Holocaust on a different day? What takes place on Yom HaShoah? How can we help support our Jewish brothers and sisters?

We talked with Marc Ekstrand, rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in Waterford, to learn more.

What is "Yom HaShoah?"

"The word 'Shoah' is the Hebrew word for 'Holocaust,'" said Ekstrand.

“'Yom' is the Hebrew word for day. Together, it means Holocaust Remembrance Day."

Temple Emanu-El in Waterford.
Temple Emanu-El in Waterford.

From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Holocaust (1933–1945) "was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million European Jews by the Nazi German regime and its allies and collaborators." Antisemitism was the foundation of this atrocity, with a hatred and prejudice against the Jewish community as a basic tenet of Nazi ideology.

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Two out of every three European Jews died during this time, the single largest genocide in world history. Yom HaShoah, therefore, is a means to remember and honor the legacy of all those who were lost.

How is Yom HaShoah honored?

For Yom HaShoah, Jewish congregations and organizations will host community gatherings to reflect and stand together. Living survivors are invited to speak or be present, with rabbis or leaders incorporating their testimonies into their services. This year's Yom HaShoah begins Wednesday evening, April 27, and ends the following evening.

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"We have a tradition at Temple Emanu-El," said Ekstrand. "One of our congregates created a Holocaust menorah. It has six candles on it, each representing the millions of Jews who perished during the Holocaust. We use that during our Yom HaShoah commemoration."

The Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut organized a community Yom HaShoah as well this past Sunday.

A man sits beside a memorial dedicated to victims of the Nazi terror, during the Yom Hashoah Commemoration event which honors the memories of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, in Los Angeles on April 28, 2019.
A man sits beside a memorial dedicated to victims of the Nazi terror, during the Yom Hashoah Commemoration event which honors the memories of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, in Los Angeles on April 28, 2019.

Yom HaShoah, however, isn't a standalone day.

"Yom HaShoah is a series of modern holidays," said Ekstrand. "There are two other holidays that come next week that pair with Yom HaShoah. The first is Yom HaZikaron, which is a holiday in Israel much like our memorial day here to honor those who have fallen in battle in the state of Israel or have been victims of terrorism. That’s on Wednesday of next week. The very next day is another holiday called Yom Ha’atzmaut. It’s Israeli Independence Day."

For the Jewish community, as Ekstrand noted, Israel is is a homeland for all its people. There's the Right of Return, where the Israeli government allows any Jewish person to immigrate if they so please. Israel served as a home for refugees during the second World War.

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"You see the relevance of why I’m mentioning these other holidays," said Ekstrand.

How can we support the Jewish community for Yom HaShoah?

While Ekstrand encouraged readers to attend Temple Emanu-El's Friday service, there are more ways to support the Jewish community on a local and national level.

Rabbi Marc Ekstrand.
Rabbi Marc Ekstrand.

"One of the ways I would suggest is contributing some way to the efforts of people who tell the story of the Holocaust so that it’s never forgotten," said Ekstrand. "Make a donation to a local Holocaust museum or local programs that help tell the story of the Holocaust."

He also recommended more national organizations like the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which preserves and teaches Americans the history of the Holocaust. The Survivor Mitzvah Project is another option, delivering emergency aid to holocaust survivors in Eastern Europe.

This article originally appeared on The Bulletin: What is Yom HaShoah and it's importance in the Jewish community?