New York Cat Scuffles With Robot Vacuum Cleaner

A cat owner in New York was surprised to find his pet had taken its dislike for his robot vacuum to a new level on April 25, as he came into the room to find the feisty feline slapping the device.

Video by Adam Francis shows his cat Mando hissing and clawing at the vacuum as it makes its way around a rug in his dining room.

“Mando has never really liked the Wyze robot vacuum, but normally he just avoids it,” Francis told Storyful.

“The day I shot this video, I could hear a weird slapping noise while the vac was doing its thing in the other room. I went to check it out and saw Mando was taking the fight to the bot!” he said.

Francis added that Mando had recently had surgery. “His energy level and quirky attitude [have] just blossomed and he is now a feared droid destroyer,” he said. Credit: Adam Francis via Storyful