Young Actors Troupe's Spooktaculathon draws crowd at Thomasville On Stage & Co.

Oct. 19—THOMASVILLE- Residents of Thomasville were treated to a special, spooky performance on Saturday night, when Thomasville on Stage and Company's Young Actors Troupe hosted their inaugural Spooktaculathon to raise money for the scholarship fund.

The idea was the brainchild of the Young Actors Troupe.

"They approached the board this summer and wanted to do a young actors show, and because they've been such a great part of TOSAC all through the years and because we have a mission for outreach in youth arts especially, we approved that wholeheartedly," Board member Lisa Watson said. "When they do these performances, they want some of the funds to go back into the scholarship fund, because a lot of them are scholarship winners.

According to Watson, TOSAC has a scholarship process for graduating seniors, many of whom later return to TOSAC to help direct or continue acting.

"We have an application they can submit online for consideration," she said. "Some of the criteria is past participation in TOSAC, rather it be backstage, onstage or volunteering... anything that has to do with TOSAC."

The number of applicants, along with the number of recipients changes every year, depending on how much is raised for the fund.

"Usually the concessions we do at intermission, all of that goes toward the scholarship fund," Karen Farmer explained.

However, treats for the Spooktaculathon were free, as a "thank you" to the audience for support of the young actors.

The Spooktaculathon was directed by Cameron Parker, former scholarship recipient, who could not have been more pleased with the turnout for the production.

"This one blew up," he said.

Watson agreed, saying all day she received calls for reservations, until she eventually had to turn off the ticket link.

With the success of the Spooktaculathon behind him, Parker now has his eyes on a new goal.

"We hope to now be able to do it seasonally," he said. "Our goal was to see how it went for Halloween and now we will see if we can pitch one for Christmas, barring we don't run out of songs."

The songs for this season's event featured classics like "Monster Mash" and "I Put a Spell on You" to cult hits such as "Science Fiction Double Feature" and "The Ballad of Jane Doe."

Members of TOSAC's Young Actors Troupe performing were JW Watson, Ransom Young, Brawdy Gupton, Moss Musselwhite, Carson Chapman, Ari Ezra, Grayson Jones, Hogan Watson, Mark Russ, Marion Rose Young, Paris Murry and Emmy Tansics.

The Young Actors Troupe concluded the night with a costume contest following the musical performance, where they declared a brother/sister duo dressed as a Ghostbuster and a ghost the winners.