How shall the young direct their way?

Celia M. Hastings
Celia M. Hastings

“I rejoice in the path you decree as much as I’d rejoice in great wealth.”

Psalm 119:14 The Inclusive Bible

“How shall the young direct their way? What light shall be their perfect guide?” asks an old hymn. This season, as many young people graduate from high school and college and make new beginnings in life, I wonder what will guide them?

Some other old hymn titles based on Psalm 119, the longest of the psalms, might have some hints: “...teach me, O Lord, thy way of truth,” “how I love thy law, O Lord,” “thy word sheds light upon my path,” “deceit and falsehood I abhor,” and “I have followed truth and justice.”

The ancient law, prophets and writings still offer wisdom to guide life’s journey. Today’s graduates will navigate their way in a world struggling through a pandemic and severe weather events and in a country with growing inequality, injustice, violence and addictions. Those without a guiding light on life’s path could easily slip into despair or give up on life.

But those with a divine light to guide their paths will have hope in their hearts. They’ll know a source of unlimited love, wisdom and power to inspire kindness, creativity and science to feed the hungry, heal the sick, restore the health of our planet, work for justice and build community. Those who devote their lives to purposes beyond themselves will discover new ways to promote peace, security and well-being in the world.

Those whose lives are guided by a divine moral compass will walk the path of truth and justice — and prefer it to great wealth. And they will be blessed!

The reverend Celia M. Hastings has a masters degree in religious education from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. She is author of “The Wisdom Series” and “The Undertaker’s Wife.”

This article originally appeared on The Petoskey News-Review: How shall the young direct their way?