Young doctor: I have coronavirus advice for people my age. Step back, stay healthy

On one of my lonely strolls during our county’s shelter-in-place order, I passed by a densely packed line of people, waiting for ice cream. Upon closer inspection, from 6 feet away, of course, I noticed these were all young people, under 35, like myself. Later, when I mentioned to a friend that I was concerned they might not understand the importance of physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, my friend seemed unconcerned. We’re young, he told me, so even if we get the virus, we’ll be OK. We just need to avoid older people.

As a hospital-based internal medicine physician caring for very sick COVID-19 patients, and as a fellow young person who is 32, I must say: This is wrong.

Everyone of every age should care about stopping the spread of COVID-19. My message to millennials, Generation X, Y and Z’ers is: You each play an important role in halting this pandemic. What you do matters — not just to older and medically vulnerable people, but also to anyone who could potentially catch the new coronavirus. And while it might be hard to believe, young people are not immune to the more severe and even deadly forms of the disease.

Coronavirus has a domino effect

But what if you were? What if you had only mild symptoms or even no symptoms at all, like an estimated 80% of all people who contract COVID-19? Why not gather closely in line for some ice cream?

It might not seem harmful, but during a pandemic, what can be harmful is often not in plain sight. The coronavirus is a disease about which we are still learning and for which there is no cure yet. It spreads unknowingly and unintentionally, having a domino effect on the health of others, the livelihoods of others and the wellness of our entire community.

Thomas Ken Lew
Thomas Ken Lew

To be sure, young people are susceptible to this disease. The demographics of patients hospitalized in the United States with COVID-19 are different than those of Asia, Europe and the rest of the world. Young adults make up a large portion of COVID-19 hospitalizations in this country. Put simply, young Americans are also at risk of getting very sick. According to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 38% of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in the United States are ages 20-54.

Some patients under 35 don't do well

The numbers are in line with what I have seen in my hospital. While it’s good news that only about a handful of our COVID-19-positive patients have required hospitalization, almost half of them were younger than 35. Some did well, and some did not. Around the country, in places where COVID-19 has had higher transmission, and even at my own hospital, we know that patients under 35 may be admitted with shortness of breath, requiring a small amount of oxygen — only by evening to be placed on a mechanical ventilator to help them breathe.

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We have been hearing a lot about #flattenthecurve (a collective effort to reduce the number of new cases) and socially distancing to protect the elderly and medically vulnerable. We have been hearing that you can have the virus while being asymptomatic and continue to spread it. Now let’s hear about the role younger people can play in protecting not just the wider community but themselves as well.

To the young people who are already doing their part through physical distancing — you can still be social! — I applaud you for striving to protect others and yourselves. To the young people who imagine they are immune or unlikely to harm others, I say, then think of it this way: Step back now for your own safety, to end this virus sooner, and to bring back easy days with worry-free ice cream.

Dr. Thomas Ken Lew is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine and an attending physician of Hospital Medicine at Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare. Follow him on Twitter: @ThomasLewMD

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus has a domino effect and it doesn't spare the young: Doctor