Young performers at MLT help in "Finding Nemo Jr."

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Jun. 21—Young performers in Muskogee Little Theatre's Youth Theater Camp production, "Finding Nemo Jr.," didn't have much time to create underwater worlds.

"Of all the shows I've directed here this is the one we've had the least time to put together because we had nearly an entire week less," said play director Connor Lynch. "Regardless, the kids have been doing a fantastic job. They were off script within two days after getting the roles. It's been work, but the cast has been up to the challenge."

The campers, who range from 6 to 14 years of age, will present the musical version of the Disney/Pixar movie at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. Sunday at MLT.

Lynch is a Muskogee High School graduate who attends Northeastern State University. He said set designers and cast members had to recreate the ocean and a fish tank on stage.

"The set design and how the kids move on stage has been really interesting," he said. "The kids pick it up pretty quickly. But some of our leads who have puppets kind of have to move with the water and move the puppets to give that illusion. The coral and all the other set pieces have to bring the atmosphere to life.

The story focuses on a father clownfish's efforts to find his lost son, Nemo.

Sadler Arts Academy student Jayden Joseph, 10, plays Nemo.

"It's amazing, I love it," Jayden said about the part. "It's my favorite role in my movies and in all, like, seven plays."

He said the part is super easy.

"I already memorized all of my lines and my songs," Jayden said. "But hitting the right notes sometimes is hard."

During the camp, participants learned how to act, sing, dance, work on sets and design props and costumes.

Campers learn a few things beyond that, Camp Director Penny McGill said.

"We have fun with the Disney shows, they create such an educational package with their youth shows," McGill said. "When we were looking for a youth show for this year, we were looking for one that gave a variety of opportunities for our students to perform, and I like an educational component to it."

The "Finding Nemo Jr." package includes lessons on oceanography and conservation, she said.

"We did a lesson on how the currents work around the world, how they flow," she said. "In the show they go to Australia to find Nemo. Then there's a lesson in conservation, pollution specifically. When we were studying about it, one of the groups put on a little skit about littering and about recycling. The message was not to litter. I love that part of it."

""Finding Nemo Jr" has many themes, she said.

"Friendship, working together," McGill said. "We talked a lot about that because the theater is built around community and cooperation. That's what Dory and Nemo's dad have to do, and when Nemo finds himself in bad situations, he has to work together with the other fish."

MLT's youth production also features the seagulls, sharks, the manta rays from the movie. They are recreated through masks and puppets.

"And who doesn't love Nemo, and Dory and all the other characters," McGill said.