What would young wizards whip up? You'd be surprised

The Kids Page is a compilation of responses written by kindergarten through eighth-grade students from area schools. Students are asked a different question each month and answers are printed weekly.

This month’s question: You found a magic wand. What would you do with it? What would you want to get?


Vivian Wurster

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I found a magic want I would get candy. There are two reasons why I would get candy. Reason number one, because it is delisous. Reason number two because it cost no money.


Calder Leveck

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I found a magic wand I would make all the Browns players come to Ashland, Ohio and play with us and give us high fives.


Ava Emmons

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I found a magic wand I would freeze my sister and not unfreeze her. What I would do with it is by a whole bunch of candy and toys. I would also get 1,000 bucks.


Ellie Krieger

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I got a magic wand I would make toys pop out in front of me. And play with them all day. Also I would get food for my family. I would also gets lots of money.


Caroline Rowsey

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I got a magic wand I would take it to my house. I would use it for ice crem and cookies. Then I would save it for another day. It is sumer I can eat my ice crem. It is winter I can eat my cookies.


Gavin Henry

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I found a magic wand I would get three footballs and a blue football jersey. My dad would sit on the blechers and cheer for me. At the end of the football game we would get in our car and leve the football field.


Abel Hershiser

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I had a wand I would turn people into football players because I love football. And because I can have my own team.


Ben Loy

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

If I got a magic wand I would want to skydive because my mom told me its only something adults can do. I always wanted to skydive. It seems a lot of fun! That is what I would do if I got a magic wand.


Silas Binion

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

I would want to be invisible. I would want people to worship me. I would want to make me a millionare.


Alivia Gallatin

St. Edward School

First Grade

I would make snow. I would make sugar cookies. I would make cupcakes. I would give the treats I made to my friends.


Jonah Chandler

St. Edward School

First Grade

I would make it possible for people to breath in outer space. I would use it to make cookies. I would make lots of robots. My robots would do everything for me. I would also use it to make all video games in the world available and free.


Aariyah Frontino

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

I would tern myself into a princess. And transport Mrs. Fennell and Mr. Fennell and thire kids to Hawaii. And I would also got to Hawaii. And I would go to Florida with Mrs. Fennell Mrs. Brodie my family and Emmy Bowman and Palmer Zimmerman and Autumn Harpster and Ameera Bensaid. And Mr. Fennell and Mr. Brodie and I would give everybody a mileon dollars. And give every body thire dream pet and thire dream car. And whatever they want. And I would help people in need.

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Off to see the wizard: Ashland youngsters asked about magic wands