Younger Generations Are Calling Out The Most "Toxic" Things Older Generations Do, And It's Absolutely Brutal

Younger generations have been very vocal when it comes to critiquing older generations. Sometimes, it's just a lighthearted roast — and other times, it's a serious conversation that can get pretty heated. So, here are just 17 times people called out baby boomers and Gen X'ers for being "toxic":

PS: Be sure to follow these Twitter users for a funnier/more interesting timeline!

1.According to the internet, boomers think you HAVE to struggle to get things done:

2.And Gen X'ers think "no one wants to work" anymore:

3.Boomers treat their kids like therapists:

4.Gen X'ers just overshare everything on Facebook:

5.Boomers love giving helpful advice:

6.Gen X'ers (and boomers) love hating their wives for no reason:

7.Boomers enjoy saying "not all boomers" every time their generation gets a critique:

8.Gen X'ers enjoy complaining about being left out:

9.Boomers think everyone is "entitled":

10.Gen X'ers think it's OK to be rude to every server:

11.Boomers like telling people to do expensive things ~while you're young~:

12.Gen X'ers like to believe working all kinds of hours should be a norm:

13.Boomers like pretending that student loans aren't real:

14.Gen X'ers like pretending they didn't cause more damage to society than baby boomers...

...and, according to the internet, Gen X'ers may be the worst:

15.Boomers are really into pressuring people to have babies:

16.Gen X'ers are really into hating people:

17.And finally, boomers love saying kids today are "too soft":

WELL, THEN. Do you agree with these? What are some other toxic things boomers and Gen X'ers do? Let us know in the comments below.