This Mac & Cheese Turkey Recipe Just Won Thanksgiving

Photo credit: Reynolds Wrap
Photo credit: Reynolds Wrap

From Delish

For the last few years, Reynolds Kitchens has offered up some extremely creative ways to serve a Thanksgiving turkey: 2017 was the year of the chip with recipes for a Flamin' Hot Cheetos Turkey, a Cool Ranch Dorito Turkey, and a Funyuns Turkey. The following year, the brand whose aluminum foil is likely in your cupboard as we speak mixed things up with Mountain Dew-brined and glitter-covered birds. This time around, they're keeping things kind of classic, but still fully genius, in a "why didn't I think of that?!" way.

The first, which you can see above, is dubbed the Mac & Cheese Turkey. It's pretty simple to make, and all but ensures even if you overcook your bird it won't turn out dry and flavorless. Reynolds recommends coating the turkey in the powdered cheese mixture from your favorite boxed mac & cheese, giving it a nice umami flavor. BTW, as the recipe indicates, wrapping the turkey fully in Reynolds Wrap Heavy Duty Foil keeps the turkey and cheesy coating from over-browning in the oven. Then, you serve the whole bird over a bed of mac & cheese, because if Thanksgiving has one important food group, it is obviously carbs.

If you prefer your turkey filled with stuffing (though who says you can't have both?!), you may be more interested in Reynolds' second recipe of the year: the Pumpkin Spice Turkey. With pumpkin spice now a full-on August-and-September flavor profile, it can be easy to forget that it's kind of a crucial component to Thanksgiving. This way, even if you skip the pumpkin pie, you'll still get some of the sweet, nutty taste.

Photo credit: Reynolds Kitchen
Photo credit: Reynolds Kitchen

To make the rub, mix together brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice cloves, and salt. When you're ready to coat, brush the turkey with olive oil and rub the pumpkin spice mix all over the turkey. It's the holiday mash-up we've been waiting for, TBH.

You can find the full set of recipe instructions on Reynolds' website today—and if you're looking for even more Thanksgiving recipes, we've got plenty of sides and desserts for you to check out.

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