Have You Ever Knowingly Bought Or Rented A "Haunted" House Or Apartment?

Have you or has someone you know ever bought or rented a house knowing FULL WELL it was haunted?!

Laff / giphy.com

If so, we wanna know know what THAT was like.

ABC / giphy.com

Maybe you and some friends rented a "haunted" Airbnb for a night, only to discover that there definitely was some weird, paranormal shite going on there.

HGTV / giphy.com

Or perhaps you have a family friend who bought an old Victorian house under the premise that it was haunted, only for them to try and get their money back(!!!!!!) after not having a single ghost-sighting for a year!!!

FOX / giphy.com

Or maybe you were aware that the previous tenant died in your apartment and you still decided to move in...and you've seen the ✨ghoulish resident✨ a couple times since you've been living there!!!

Paramount Pictures / giphy.com

So if you've knowingly bought, rented, or even just stayed at a supposedly "haunted" place, tell us your experience with it in the comments below or in this anonymous form. The wildest answers may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post or video!!!