Here’s The Zodiac Sign To Avoid If You’re Ready To Fall In Love

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Gay couple argue

Don't panic, just swipe left!

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Gay couple argue


Dating and hooking up can be a ton of fun. Meeting someone new, vibing, picking up on their energy and, when the feeling is right, taking them back to your place — or the nearest dark and private corner — is undeniably exciting. But there may come a time when all those fun hookups start to feel a little hollow. A little less thrilling. A bit less satisfying. Instead of sexy strangers, you start to crave consistency, stability, and a deeper connection. In other words, you’re ready to fall in love.

While finding hook-up partners can come a bit easier, finding someone who not only wants the same thing as you but you really have a connection with can feel tricky or even downright impossible. But the truth is that many, many people out there do want you, even when it feels a bit lonely. This is where astrology can help by guiding you to the right path, so you can spot that special someone who you will just have instant chemistry and a more profound connection with because they see the world the way you see it — plus their needs and yours just match up with ease.

On the other hand, it can also help you to dodge and weave the partners who you struggled to connect with because you simply aren’t on the same page — what you need and what they can give just aren’t a match. Finding common ground feels like a constant struggle, and emotionally you’re simply speaking different love languages. With that in mind, get ready to swipe left because here is the sign to avoid if you’re ready for a happy, healthy romance, according to your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) & Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20)

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Gay couple argue


At their best Aries, are bold, adventurous, and energetic, which would make them seem like a natural fit for the dreamy unconventional Pisces — and this often draws the two together. However, this is a passion that burns out with record speed as Aries’s straightforward demeanor will leave sensitive Pieces feeling wounded and resentful. The more they pull back, the more frustrated and quick-tempered Aries becomes, which, in turn, causes Pisces to withdraw deeper and deeper inside. It’s a very difficult divide to cross and one most connections can’t survive.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) & Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18)

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lesbian couple argue


Taurus and Aquarius are by far the most stubborn of all the signs in the zodiac — what could possibly go wrong? Everything. While it’s true that any combination of the zodiac can have a relationship, even one that truly thrives. But a Taurus and Aquarius romance will have two very big hurdles to overcome: Themselves. While both make wonderful partners, Taurus is warm, affectionate, and domestic and Aquarius is adventurous, intuitive, and independent, they struggle to show those best sides to one another. Taurus finds Aquarius too cold and analytical, while Aquariius really wishes Taurus would give them more space and be less focused on material things.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20) & Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21)

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Gay couple argue


A Gemini and Scorpio connection can be a passionate and, ahem, sexually creative one, as both signs have a profound curiosity and little awkwardness around sex and sexuality. But when it comes to relationships, trust can become a major issue. Scorpio naturally tends toward suspicion. As a water sign, they have a deep connection with their emotions and are highly sensitive, but they wound easily so they’re wary about letting people in — especially if they seem mercurial. Gemini, yeah, they are the epitome of mercurial, gaining and losing interests in partners as easily as the wind blows. They can make you feel like the center of the world one moment and forgotten the next; Scorpio’s worst nightmare. As Scorpio’s insecurity and desire to control increases, Gemini can’t find the exit fast enough.

Cancer (June 21 — July 22) & Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)

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lesbian couple argue


Emotional and loving Cancer would love nothing more than to find a partner who they can truly let down their guard around and feel safe to be themselves. But in order to do that, they need time to observe and confirm that their partner is someone they can invest in, who is consistent, steadfast, and reliable. Sagittarius is many amazing things: they are optimistic, good-humored, and sexually adventurous — what they aren’t is consistent. Sagittarius is the wild child of the zodiac. They seek new, exciting adventures and experiences and go where their bliss and whims take them. For Sag, Cancer’s needs feel confining and stifling, whereas Sag’s free-spiritedness feels unsafe and untrustworthy to Cancer.

Leo (July 23 —  Aug. 22) & Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19)

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Gay couple argue


Leo and Capricorn may command every room they’re in, but together it’s a case of too much of a good thing. Leo is the center of attention at all times and thrives in the limelight. For the powerful yet practical Capricorn, Leo’s need for attention can be a bit eye-rolling, where Leo can find Capricorn’s disciplined and prudent approach to be a buzzkill. While the two can make for incredibly effective business partners, their inability to recognize the other’s strengths outside of the office makes a love connection tough to maintain.

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) & Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22)

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lesbian couple argue


Virgo and Libra might be neighbors in the zodiac, but that doesn’t make for good bedfellows. Virgo is a giving partner who is highly intuitive and tries to meet their partner’s needs, which, at first, is very appealing to Libra, who values fairness and reciprocity in all things and is happy to give as much as they get. However, the struggles begin for these two in the way they move through the world. Virgo is an earth sign who’s very deliberate and planned in everything they do. Libra, on the other hand, approaches things more intuitively and feels pinned in by Virgo’s need for structure. Libra frustrates Virgo, who sees this as being flighty and unreliable and, in turn, can become very critical, which is a dealbreaker for Libra who needs a partner who is optimistic and uplifting.