Douglas Caballero

    Douglas Caballero

  • Device Curbs Facebook Overuse with Shock to Wrist

    Let's face it. We spend waaay too much time on social media, especially Facebook. Sometimes it's like "shame eating" when we're all alone. You're not alone. We all do it. But how do we shake the habit? With tough love and electrical shock!

  • Skateboarding Teens Record Clever Instagram Video to Return Lost Cell Phone

    Ever found someone's lost smartphone and tried to return it? The owner is probably stressed about losing all those precious photos, videos, and texts — not to mention losing the expensive phone itself. How did you contact the person to return it? Call "Mom" in the contacts list? That's soooo last century and, let's face it, lacking creative spirit.

  • Sand artist creates awesome infinite sculpture

    Beach sand art is serious business. Wait, don't laugh. It's serious enough to earn you the attention of sunbathing beauties, studly surfers, and people who give out awards, especially if you're Carl Jara.

  • The Beauty of Popping Painted Balloons

    What would you get if Jackson Pollock played with water balloons? A beautiful mess! Enter Swiss artist Fabian Oefner . His artwork is literally explosive. Titled "Liquid Jewels," Oefner's photos were featured in Wired U.K., and they will astound your eyes and inspire you to throw an impromptu spin-art party

  • 'Hot Dog Legs' leads summer's hottest Tumblr blogs

    And the hottest trend of the summer is ... hot dog legs! Huh? You know, the "you wish you were here" photos your girlfriends post on Instagram showing off their shiny, bronzed legs on a beach, making you so darned jealous. How glamorous of you, girl. Until now!

  • Kid President Has Adorable Interview with Beyoncé

    Superstar Beyoncé was interviewed by 11-year-old YouTube sensation Kid President, promoting World Humanitarian Day in what is quite possibly the most adorable celebrity interview in the history of interviews. He gets to do what most men dream about their entire lives - Plant a smooch on Beyoncé.

  • 11-Year-Old Thinks of Awesome Addition to Deodorant Stick

    Guys, add this to your morning routine: the theme from "Rocky" jamming in your ears as you apply deodorant under your arms. Think about it for a moment. Stallone plus smelling fresh. You could use it next time you need motivation to crush the morning commute or burn through some TPS reports.