Lara Salahi

    Lara Salahi

  • Boy Ordered to Transfer Schools for Carrying Cystic Fibrosis Gene Mutation

    A California middle school has asked that an 11-year-old boy be transferred elsewhere because he carries the gene for cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening genetic disease that is not considered contagious.  His parents say they will take the issue to court. School administrators told 11-year-old Colman...

  • Texas Woman to Receive Nation's First Double Arm Transplant

    Surgeons at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston will perform the nation’s first double arm transplant on a Texas woman, the hospital announced Wednesday. Katy Hayes, 44, a quadruple amputee and mother of three from Kingwood, Texas, has been approved for the transplant after undergoing...

  • Charla Nash Talks Chimp Attack, Recovery

    Charla Nash is battling the seemingly impossible — a life with no hands, visually blind and still in recovery from a face transplant after being mauled by a chimpanzee nearly three years ago. But Nash, 58, says though she doesn’t look it, she’s the same...

  • UK Teen Eats Chicken Nuggets for 15 Years, Nothing Else

    We all may be guilty of overindulging in our favorite food every now and then. But it seems like one British teen has taken her single food addiction to a whole new level. Stacey Irvine, 17, of Castle Vale, Birmingham, loves eating McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets....