ABC News announces only GOP debate to be broadcast in primetime on network TV

Yet another Republican debate was added to the 2012 campaign slate on Monday. This one, however, has a small twist: ABC News is billing it as the only debate to air in primetime on network television before the New Hampshire primary. The debate, scheduled for the Saturday before the state's yet-to-be finalized Tuesday primary, will air at 9 p.m. and re-air on "This Week" the next day. It will also stream live on, part of its ongoing partnership with the network.

The ABC debate will be moderated by Diane Sawyer, George Stephanopoulos and Josh McElveen, anchor of ABC's local WMUR affiliate, in front of a live audience at Saint Anselm College in Manchester. ABC News will announce criteria for participation later this week.

NBC previously announced that it would broadcast its own GOP debate on network television on the Sunday before next year's New Hampshire primary in the 9 a.m. "Meet the Press" slot.

Meanwhile, CNN gave the Las Vegas Review-Journal a preview of its stage setup for Tuesday's GOP debate at The Venetian in Las Vegas, and boy does it look swanky.

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