Take your camera to a caucus!

Iowans! We know you're busy making your final decisions about who to support at tonight's Republican caucuses, but we have one tiny favor to ask: Take photos from this evening that we can share with other Yahoo! readers.

Send us pictures of your local caucus: the posters, the sign-in sheets, the crowd around the coffee machine—whatever captures your participation in the first voting of the 2012 presidential campaign.

Email your photos to showthecandidates@yahoo.com. Please include your full name, the location of the caucus, and a few lines about what is pictured.

We intend to publish the best photos on Yahoo News, as we did in this slideshow of what you thought the Republicans needed to see before the Dec. 10 presidential debate in Des Moines, sponsored by Yahoo News and ABC News.

We're looking forward to seeing what you send in!

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Handy with a camera? Join our Election 2012 Flickr group to submit your photos of the campaign in action.