Norway Shooting Death Toll Drops Dramatically

Norway Shooting Death Toll Drops Dramatically

Norwegian police have lowered the death toll of last Friday's shootings from 93 to 76, reports the Associated Press. A reduction was expected as police collected more details about missing persons after Anders Behring Breivik's mass shooting on Utoeya island. Breivik was arraigned in a district court in Oslo Monday afternoon, where he admitted that the attack was meant to stop Labour Party recruitment in Norway and claimed that two more terrorist cells existed. After admitting that Norwegian prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland was the target of the attacks, Breivak pleaded not guilty of terrorism charges and will be detained for eight weeks before the trial starts. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 21 years in prison--or 113 days per murder.

RELATED: Police Find More Explosives at Norway Shooter's Farm

CLARIFICATION: The Associated Press originally reported the death toll being lowered to 68. We've updated this post to reflect the actual count released by police: 76.