Yahoo! Autos

Cars, Cars, Cars

Consumers buying a new or used vehicle have myriad questions: Ford or BMW? Red or black? Electric, hybrid, or gas? Sedan or SUV? And the list goes on. Yahoo! Autos demystifies the buying process by giving consumers unbiased, trustworthy information. With 100 million page views every month, Yahoo! Autos is one of the top online automotive resource sites.

Start Your Engines

You can target numerous pages to maximize your audience reach on the Autos site. For instance, hit up the Green Center to engage environmentally conscious buyers. Catch auto shoppers as they’re researching their options in featured autos articles. Or capture the attention of drivers as they calculate their financing options at the Auto Finance Center.

Get on the Road

More than 75 percent of Yahoo! Autos consumers visiting Make, Model, Trim, and Used Listing pages are either researching during the car-buying process or actively shopping for a new or used vehicle. And 49.2 percent of consumers browsing Autos pages are equipped to buy with a household income of over $60,000.

Learn how to target the audience your brand needs. Tap into Autos’ massive audience with help from Yahoo!’s rich media and Video Advertising Solutions products.

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Key audiences: Online Dads, Boomer Men
Related products:rich media, Video Advertising Solutions

By the Numbers

Unique Visitors

Page Views

  • 14.7 (MM)

  • 96 (MM)

Source: comScore Media Metrix, U.S., August 2011
Tips for Marketers

Yahoo! has helped businesses succeed in driving results by attracting audiences that regularly visit Autos—Online Dads and Boomer Men. Consider these suggestions for your creative messaging.

  • Engage Online Dads and Boomer Men on sports, finance, news, and games.

  • Make these audiences feel productive while researching on Autos.

  • Target these audiences where they engage: Shopping online is a common activity, and consumer electronics is a big buy for Online Dads.

  • Extend your reach with mobile. Online Dads are on the go and want up-to-date information.

Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Yahoo! Autos homepage: Roadblock with graphical and integrated placements.

  • Roadblock the New and Used Car Homepage: More than 25 percent of auto shoppers are undecided about whether to buy new or used. Tilt buyers’ decisions in your favor by placing a roadblock on new and used car homepages.

  • Target by Vehicle Segment: Engage visitors who are researching, comparing, and contrasting cars within a specific category of vehicle.

  • Used Car Listings: Sway used-car intenders, 41 percent of whom admit they would consider buying new if the cost were comparable.

  • Green Sponsorships: Appeal to consumers interested in fuel-efficient vehicles and protecting the environment, and discuss technologies such as hybrid, ethanol, diesel/biodiesel, and natural gas.

  • Auto Show Sponsorship: Reach auto enthusiasts interested in the latest news, technology, vehicle launches, and concept cars—all part of the online Auto Show series.