Letters from our readers: Train horns; tv wasteland; egg prices; 'stolen' election

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Here's a solution to loud train horns

A recent letter expressed concern about the disturbing effect of train horns on people living close to the tracks. Years ago, when I was an aide to the late Congressman Alcee Hastings, I got a call from Boca Raton Mayor Carol Hanson about this exact issue. I contacted the Atlanta regional office of the Federal Railroad Administration and was told if the city would install special double gates at railroad crossings in Boca Raton, the trains would not have to blow their whistles when passing through her city. Mayor Hanson accepted the solution. Why is there still a problem for other cities?

Dan Liftman, West Palm Beach

Cities can use double gates to silence loud train noises at crossings.
Cities can use double gates to silence loud train noises at crossings.

More: Concerned about safety at crossings, Tequesta won't seek 'quiet zone' along train tracks

TV wasteland littered with ads

I bet I'm not alone in being continuously frustrated by the things we seemingly cannot get away from. In an attempt to find a diversion, I turned to football. The problem is there is so little football wedged between the endless ads. We're to spend our money on things a talking lizard, owl or duck is selling? Sports heroes sell everything from insurance to cars, while Big Pharma dominates with unpronounceable medications. Perhaps the most nauseating collection of interruptions are the law firms that tell us insurance companies are the enemy and only they are our friend. What a waste of time TV is becoming.

Mort Gallagher, Jupiter

Forget egg prices. Reign in factory farming.

Re: the Dec. 19 opinion, Egg prices likely to climb as bird flu surges: Wild birds are being blamed for the recent spike in bird flu cases. However, conveniently overlooked is that the way chickens are housed contributes significantly to the problem. The vast majority of chickens today are kept on factory farms, making them more susceptible to illnesses and creating an environment for these illnesses. It is sad that millions of chickens have already been slaughtered to contain bird flu. As well as causing widespread suffering and death in farmed chickens, bird flu can also pose a risk to human health. Maybe we should be a little less concerned about the price of eggs and more concerned about the potential costs of factory farming to both animal and human health.

Kirk Szmon, Lake Worth

Where's the legitimacy of 'stolen' election?

MAGA true believers believe then-President Donald Trump, when well before the 2020 election, he announced that the vote was already fixed. My question is, how did he know that? Was there an exposé in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Post? What, it wasn't? So, how did Trump know? If you say Rudy Giuliani or any of Trump’s coterie, where did they get their information? The truth is Trump is a great fabulist, who has been telling stories without any backup for years now. Why his supporters choose to believe them, I can only guess. But, that is their problem and, unfortunately, the rest of the world's too.

Sy Donner, Boynton Beach

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Railroad 'quiet zones' an easy solution to loud train horns | Letters