Have you seen Jerry Sipes? Bloomington man has been missing for two months

Around 9:30 the morning of Nov. 5, Jerald "Jerry" Sipes "went out the back door to smoke a cigarette," Amanda Maners said. "He has not been seen or heard from since."

Family and friends of Sipes say they haven't had any contact with him since. A missing person's report was filed with the Bloomington Police Department and 45-year-old Sipes is listed on the Indiana Missing Person Bulletin.

Jerald Sipes, a 45-year-old Bloomington man, has been missing since November.
Jerald Sipes, a 45-year-old Bloomington man, has been missing since November.

Maners is Sipes's younger sister. They hadn't been in contact much in recent months and she was surprised to learn on Nov. 9 that her brother had been missing four days. When he didn't answer her calls or texts, she went to the nursing home where their mother resides.

Maners was certain her brother wouldn't ignore a call from his ill mother's phone. Maners dialed his number. There was no answer.

Another missing man: Police and family members looking for Bloomington man missing since New Year's Day

Sipes had been staying with his girlfriend in the Crestmont neighborhood, Maners said, when he went missing. The girlfriend reported Sipes stepped outside to smoke, came back in for a sweatshirt then went back outside.

When she went out to check on him 15 minutes later, Sipes was gone. He was last seen wearing an orange hoodie, a dark-colored baseball hat, jeans and tennis shoes. He had with him just his phone, wallet and a pack of cigarettes.

Sipes was on probation for a meth possession charge and had been complying with terms of the program when he disappeared, Maners said. About three weeks after he was last seen, a judge issued a warrant for Sipes to be arrested for noncompliance.

Maners doesn't think he would have messed up his probation.

"There have been times he might leave and maybe be gone a day or two and then be back. But he would always answer calls and texts, stay in touch," Maners said. "Not this time. There's been absolutely nothing. No word from him. Nothing."

Maners tried to keep her brother's disappearance from their mother, but she saw news of it on Facebook. Family and friends have searched places he liked to go, such as Cascades and Ninth Street parks, but found no clues.

"We feel helpless," she said.

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Jerry Sipes can call BPD at 812-339-4477.

Contact H-T reporter Laura Lane at llane@heraldt.com or 812-318-5967.

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Police seek leads in search for Bloomington man missing since November