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SiteMap 2009 > 08 > 09
Other dates of the month:
- Ensign Paid Mistress' Family $96,000
- UK Envoy, James Hudson, Resigns Over Russian Sex Tape
- Two Ways: Goldman Set to Break Records, Break the Bank
- GOP Senator: U.S. Is "Where Germany Was Before WWII"
- Frank Ricci: All You Need To Know (PHOTOS, INFO, VIDEO)
- Pelosi Rejects the MJ Resolution
- Some stimulus recipients to report in Excel?
- Burger King Angers Hindus With Its Whopper Ad
- Video: Lindsey on stimulus, Bernanke
- Kingsbridge Armory Coverage Preview
- Return of the REAL ID
- Sean Hannity's Pattern Of Selective Editing Documented (VIDEO)
- Joe Klein: Obama Needs To Get Tougher On Domestic Agenda
- Rep. Kline Repeats False Claims About The Republicans' Stimulus Plan
- Lowdown on Deputy Mayor Quinn's Highline
- Panetta Orders Probe Of Secret Spy Program
- Google Posts Advertising 'Spin Document' Online
- Why Won't Pols & Pundits Admit They Don't Know Everything?
- Newsreel 09.07.09
- PMA Group is gone, but earmark influence persists
- Emmett Till Memorial Fund Scam Part Of Burr Oak Cemetery Scheme
- Wyden Urges Dems To Keep Trying For Bipartisan Approach To Health Care
- Northeast Passage Levels the Playing Field for Disabled Athletes
- Coburn's Ensign Advice "Privileged"
- Video: Some creditors tracking thrift store spending
- Obama Revives Bush Plan To Seek Out Illegal Workers
- Rep. John Fleming Asks His Colleagues To 'Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is' On Health Care
- Health care lobbyists throw parties, too
- Callback 09.07.09
- 18 Million for 2.0
- A Changing Military Approach to Afghanistan
- Lenny Dykstra: "I'm Not Bankrupt" (VIDEO)
- Reid's Other Message To Baucus: Why Health Care Reform Is Behind Schedule
- Bill Goold, Progressive Caucus Executive Director, Is Fired
- Attn: legal experts: Does Paterson have legal right to appoint Lt. Governor or not?
- THE BROOKLYN PAPER GOES DUTCH! Our team is on the ground in Holland!
- Iran Uprising Blogging (Thursday July 9)
- Bill Keller: "Insatiable Desire For Scoops" Fueled Press Failure In Run-Up To Iraq War
- Gay Men Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Kissing, Cop Tells Them Kissing Is Illegal
- Orszag: Current Health Care Bill 'Not Enough' To Fix System
- Video: The video game economy
- Decapitated Monks Mystery May Be Solved With New Evidence
- Video: 'Clean diesel' cars ready to roll
- Saudi Arabia: Child Marriage Annulled
- OMB Guidance On Reporting Use of Funds for Stimulus
- Introducing Transparency Corps
- US Could Lose $2B In TARP, Warns Oversight Panel
- Shadegg joins Elton John fundraising bandwagon
- Video: Small Biz Secrets: Motivating Employees
- H.R. 2454, Sec. 204