Obama campaign recycles Gingrich hits at Romney

When you hear some Republicans express worry that the party's long primary campaign could hurt Mitt Romney, maybe this is what they have in mind: The Obama re-election machine on Wednesday recycled some of Newt Gingrich's sharpest attacks on the presumptive nominee on the very day that the former speaker planned to end his presidential run.

The Web video—a golem of modern political campaigns, fashioned from press releases and commercials—shows clips of Gingrich assailing Romney as anti-immigration, charging that his firm Bain Capital "looted" companies and threw employees out of work, mocking his personal finances ("I don't know of any American president who's had a Swiss bank account. I'd be glad for you to explain that sort of thing"), and suggesting that the former Massachusetts governor's campaign "doesn't seem capable of inspiring" voters.

The harsh final clip shows CBS correspondent Norah O'Donnell asking Gingrich, "Are you calling Mitt Romney a liar?"After a pause, Gingrich replies: "Yes."

The video plays off one of the former speaker's verbal tics for its closing message: "Newt Gingrich: Frankly, not Mitt Romney's biggest supporter." Completists, however, will be left unsatisfied. Missing is arguably Gingrich's most memorable line, inviting Romney to "drop a little bit of the pious baloney." (For a greatest hits video, see this post by ABC News' Jonathan Karl.)

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