Romney’s latest campaign ad focuses on the unemployed

In the latest battle of dueling campaign ads, Mitt Romney's camp has released a nearly four-minute video focusing on the personal plight of some of the nation's unemployed as the presumptive Republican nominee aims to turn the focus back toward President Barack Obama's handling of the economy.

The Web ad, titled "A Few of the 23 Million," zeroes in on three Iowans who have struggled to find work; the ad comes just hours before Romney will deliver a speech lambasting Obama's spending and handling of the federal debt.

But the spot is also an attempt by the Romney campaign to push back against attacks from the Obama campaign and its Democratic allies who have painted Romney as someone who put profits over job creation when he headed the venture capital firm Bain Capital.

"A lot of people around here when Barack, ya know, was running and all that. Everyone believed, everyone had hope. They all thought 'man, this guy's gonna get something done,'" Troy Knapp, a laid-off factory worker from Alden, Iowa, says in the video. "When he is in office now, it just seems like nothing's getting done. It seems like it's all talk. You can say whatever you want. But it's not about saying what everyone wants to hear, it's about doing it."

The Romney campaign appears to have had the video ready for a while. Some of the footage of the interviews includes shots of snow on the ground in Iowa.

"Hope and change has not been kind to millions of Americans," an unidentified man says in a voice-over. "But they still believe in this great country, and deserve a leader who believes in them: Mitt Romney."

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