Romney’s VP list: ‘a pretty significant group of people’

Mitt Romney is campaigning in Colorado Wednesday, where he told a local radio station that while the search for a vice presidential nominee is still in the early stages, the campaign is "looking at a pretty significant group of people" for the job.

In the interview, with KOA News Radio in Denver, he also hinted at the possibility that he could announce his pick well before the party convention in August:

Classically, people have made the decision on their running mate either during the convention or just in the few days before the convention, so that's probably the last point you'd think about doing it. It's also possible to go before that. There's no hard and fast rule about when the selection process has to be completed. But my chief of staff for my term of governor, Beth Myers, is overseeing a process. We're looking at a pretty significant group of people, and we've got a great group of Republican leaders and I want to take a very careful look, and I want to select someone who has the capacity to become president if that were necessary.

Romney lost the Republican primary contest to Rick Santorum in Colorado, a state that voted for Barack Obama in 2008 general election.

Listen to the full interview with Romney here.

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