Coleman Adult Day Services in Ravenna is friendly and fun | Along the Way

A pet therapy dog makes a friend at Coleman Adult Day Services in Ravenna.
A pet therapy dog makes a friend at Coleman Adult Day Services in Ravenna.

If you have a loved one who needs care and who would benefit from a stimulating and friendly environment, consider Coleman Adult Day Services at 6695 N. Chestnut St. in Ravenna.

Its skilled personnel provide a cheerful, all-day atmosphere in which participants can enjoy a nutritious breakfast and lunch plus an afternoon snack. During fun-filled days, they can engage in physical, social, spiritual, mental and emotional activities matched with a person’s interests and function level.

The carefully planned program is a good fit for those with cognitive or physical impairments. I know of it firsthand because my relative attends Coleman Adult Day Services four days a week. A ball of fire socially who has some mild, cognitive challenges, she enjoys her days at Coleman and enthusiastically regales Janet and me with stories of her activities.

Accomplished musicians come to the center to perform. Often the musical routines encourage group singing. Art therapy, in which clients paint and draw, is offered. On occasion, participants learn about gardening from people who have graduated from the Ohio State Extension’s Master Gardener classes in Ravenna.

David E. Dix
David E. Dix

Some days, the program offers bingo, balloon volleyball, bowling, crafts, group dancing and even visits from pet therapy dogs and their owners.

My relative makes a point of telling us how good the food is. Gifted musically, she persuaded me to join her and the friends she has made at Coleman Adult Day Services in a musical program in which I played the piano and she sang.

Our fun took place in a spacious activities room whose windows keep it filled with cheerful, natural sunlight. I recently looked at the jam-packed calendar of activities and noticed “Finish the Phrase,” stretching exercises, Bible study, “Rockin’ the Oldies,” ring toss, horseshoes, “Five Letter Words” and lots more!

According to Bambi Simon, chief officer at Coleman Adult Day Services, a ratio of one trained staff member to no more than six participants enables the program to tailor activities to fit the person’s needs and interests.

If a participant requires assistance with toileting, ambulation, feeding or showering, that is available. There is a nurse on staff five days a week who can administer medications if needed. She also takes everyone’s blood pressure and records their weight monthly. Every six months, the staff meets with the families or guardians to review the participant’s goals and interventions on their individualized care plans.

“We are a good match for those not quite ready for nursing home level care or assisted living but should not stay home alone by themselves,” Simon said. “Our services can give the caregiver in the home a much-needed break.”

Hosted in a modern brick building, constructed partly with a generous donation from local philanthropist Ron Burbick, Coleman Adult Day Services is near the Veterans Affairs building just south of UH Portage Medical Center on North Chestnut Street in Ravenna.

Because the program encourages social contact with group fun, the COVID-19 pandemic sharply reduced enrollment. People are coming back, but the rebound has a ways to go. Simon said 41 people are enrolled, but there is room for more than 90. Coleman offers a free four-hour trial and daily tours.

A friendly game of ring toss is among the fun activities at Coleman Adult Day Services in Ravenna.
A friendly game of ring toss is among the fun activities at Coleman Adult Day Services in Ravenna.

The private pay fee for participating is $85 a day, but if a person is 60 or older and a resident of Portage County, he or she is entitled to Title XX federal assistance, which covers the cost of two additional days for every day paid by the participant’s family. The program also accepts VA and some Medicaid insurances.

Coleman Adult Day Services is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Those using its services can attend as many days as they would like, but at least one day per week is required.

No transportation is provided, but Coleman contracts with Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority (PARTA) and some participants can use this service if they live close to the center.

To learn about the program, go to or follow the Facebook page “Coleman Adult Day Services.” For more information or to schedule a tour, call 330-296-3214.

David E. Dix is a retired publisher of the Record-Courier.

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This article originally appeared on Akron Beacon Journal: Coleman Adult Day Services in Ravenna offers friendly care