What to know as 2024 Mardi Gras parades kick off in Terrebonne, Lafourche

With bad weather approaching, the first weekend of Mardi Gras in Houma-Thibodaux has some changes. Here's what to know.

Here are some tips and information, including a complete schedule, to help ensure you have a safe and fun time at the parades. Some parades have had their time changed due to weather on Saturday.

Who's rolling?

Feb. 2: Hercules, 6 p.m., Houma.

Feb. 3: Des Couyons, 11 a.m., Golden Meadow. All other parades have been rescheduled. The Tee Caillou Parade will move to 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 10. Aquarius has moved to Feb. 4.

Feb. 4: Versailles, noon, in Larose; Hyacinthians, 12:30 p.m., followed by Titans and now Aquarius, Houma; Shaka, 12:30 p.m., followed by Ambrosia, Thibodaux.

Where will parades roll?

West Houma route: Starts at Southland Mall, heads down Park Avenue and turns right onto Hollywood Road, left onto Main Street and right onto Barrow Street, ending at the Town Hall banquet hall at Bond Street.

East Houma route: Starts at James Road near the Houma-Terrebonne Airport and heads down Grand Caillou Road. The parade turns right onto North Van Avenue and merges onto Howard Avenue. It turns left onto East Main Street and left onto Grand Caillou Road, ending at the East Houma Bingo Hall.

How's the Weather

According to forecasters with the National Weather Service, the weekend's temperatures should stay in the 60s.

Feb. 2: The day should be dry, with temperature in the upper 60s.

Feb. 3: Temperatures will drop into the lower 60s, and light rain is expected as early as 6 or 7 a.m. Heavier rains with lightning are predicted to roll in by 4 p.m.

Feb. 4: Light rains are expected in the morning, but the weather should clear up in the late evening. Temperatures should sit in the mid 60s.

More: Hankerin' for a slice of King Cake for Mardi Gras? Here are eight spots to feed that need

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Stay safe

Among tips from local police:

  • Stay alert and be ready to duck or cover your head or shield your kids. Overenthusiastic float riders sometimes throw trinkets harder than intended.

  • Leave large purses and bags and expensive jewelry at home.

  • Carry ID, credit cards and cash in front pockets.

  • Watch your children. Before the parade, discuss the importance of staying close to you. In case children do get lost, make sure each knows parents’ full names, address and phone number; tell them to look for police; and make careful notes of what they’re wearing so you can offer a detailed description to police.

  • Don't run into the street or past barricades after floats or throws.

  • Lock your vehicle doors when parking.

  • Use a designated driver if you will be drinking.

Pick the right spot

Best spots in Houma: To catch a parade twice or get home early, stake out a spot along Park Avenue near Southland Mall, the starting point for west-Houma parades.

Family-friendly areas: Near Southland Mall and the intersections of Columbus and Main streets.

Best spots in Thibodaux: To catch a parade twice or get to a second parade: Audubon Avenue along the Nicholls State University campus.

Family-friendly: Neighborhoods along Menard Street, Audubon Avenue and Jackson Street.

Take the right stuff

Things to pack: Snacks and drinks, maybe a sandwich. Unless you want to stand for two or three hours, bring a folding chair. Dress for the weather; wear sunscreen and sunglasses to the day parades. Bring a bag to collect throws.

Leave at home: Pets, glass bottles, firecrackers, silly string and other similar gags are illegal at parades.

Want beads?

How to fill up your grocery bags with throws:

  • Bring a small, preferably cute kid to the parade. Krewe members love to throw awesome toys, sparkly beads and loads of candy to children. If you do not bring a child, stand as far away as possible from anyone with children. You will catch nothing.

  • Make creative signs or targets, buckets and hoops so riders notice you — and take aim. When all else fails, shout the trusted phrase “Throw me something mister.”

  • Wear something ridiculous. A purple wig, ugly sunglasses, costumes — anything that gets you noticed.

What to do with unwanted beads and trinkets after the parade

Donate to local organizations such as The Haven, Terrebonne and Lafourche ARC and Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores. TARC has a wagon behind most Houma parades to collect beads for recycling.

This article originally appeared on The Courier: Mardi Gras parades in Terrebonne, Lafourche adjust for weather