Police: Nex Benedict did not die 'as a result of trauma' autopsy shows

A police investigation is underway after a 16-year-old Owasso High School student died earlier this month after sustaining injuries in an altercation on school grounds.

Medical examiners are still completing their investigation into what killed Nex Benedict, but police said Wednesday that an autopsy determined Nex did not die as a result of trauma.

The teenager had been injured in an altercation in a school bathroom on Feb. 7 and later died in a hospital Feb. 8.

Nex's death has generated widespread attention and nationwide calls for schools to better protect students who may be bullied because of their gender and sexual identities. Nex was part of the LGBTQ+ community, their friends and family have said.

It remains unclear whether or not Nex was targeted the day before they died because of their gender identity.

Owasso student Nex Benedict
Owasso student Nex Benedict

Owasso police file search warrant for high school

As part of the investigation, the Owasso Police Department asked a judge for permission to look for traces of blood and other evidence at Owasso High School, a search warrant shows. A judge signed off on the warrant Feb. 9, one day after Nex was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

Investigators also indicated they planned to search lockers and cell phones as they try to piece together what happened. "Owasso police officers suspect foul play involved and need to initiate an in-depth investigation into the death," Penny Hamrick, an Owasso Police detective, wrote in the search warrant.

More: Search warrant filed in Nex Benedict death: Investigators search school for blood, records

Little information provided by Owasso police, school officials

In a statement issued Wednesday, Nex's family said they believed Nex was attacked at school, a place they should have been safe. They asked for privacy as they continued to grieve Nex.

"The Benedicts know all too well the devastating effects of bullying and school violence and pray for meaningful change wherein bullying is taken seriously and no family has to deal with another preventable tragedy," the family said in a statement issued by its attorney.

Owasso police and school officials have released sparse details about what happened, citing privacy laws and the ongoing investigation. The information void has added fuel to a torrent of online speculation and criticism, especially over the lack of charges filed in the case.

Investigators have said they plan to spend several more days talking to students and school employees before they share their findings to prosecutors. They also are waiting on more information from the state medical examiner’s office, including a toxicology report, said Lt. Nick Boatman, a spokesman for Owasso Police.

More: Who attacked Nex Benedict? Will charges be filed? What we know about investigation process

He declined to release the incident report about the altercation, citing the ongoing investigation. He also said privacy laws limit police from disclosing information about cases involving children. All students who were involved in the altercation are younger than 18, Boatman said.

Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler said his office does not become involved in any criminal case until investigators submit reports. Based on that information, prosecutors will then decide whether to file charges and what those charges will be, he said.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Police: Nex Benedict did not die of trauma, searching for evidence